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What is a Shopping Cart? 2,075 Views

Shopping CartIf you have ever purchased anything on the Internet, then you will have used a shopping cart program to make that purchase. In simple terms, a shopping cart is a type of software program that enables web sites to offer products for sale to visitors. The software typically allows visitors to add their choice of products to a basket and, when they have completed their shopping, go through a checkout procedure. At this point, the software will total the costs of the purchases, add shipping costs and taxes, and present the visitor with a total. The visitor can then complete the purchase by entering name and address details, and can use a credit card to pay for the goods purchased.
Update: Thu 26 Mar 2020

Accepting Payments on the World Wide Web 1,594 Views

Accepting PaymentsIf you are planning to launch a web site that will be engaged in e-commerce then you will need to have some method by which your customers can pay for the goods they will be purchasing. There are two main ways in which web sites take payments, through a third-party provider or with a merchant account.
Update: Thu 26 Mar 2020

Need To Sell Online? You Need E-Commerce Web Hosting 1,454 Views

E-CommerceIf you have a web site that focuses primarily on delivering informative content, such as a blog or a business site, then you may not be familiar with e-commerce web hosting. However, if you ever plan on selling products or services via your web site, then you will need e-commerce web hosting. The difference between e-commerce and other types of hosting is simply the addition of a method for showcasing your products or services on your web site and providing a way to accept payments for the services or products. Although this may sound simplistic by nature, the many options to consider can be daunting.
Update: Thu 26 Mar 2020
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